A Church Connected by Generations of Faithful Believers
We Are:
A church representing two denominations:
United Methodist: Grounded in scripture, called to serve the world (umc.org)
Reformed Church: Interpreters of scripture, confessional in our beliefs (rca.org)
Open Door:
We believe that all people are of sacred worth, all people have the freedom to worship, and all people are loved by God. We open our doors to all people regardless of race, gender, economic status, social status, or sexual orientation. No exceptions or restrictions.
Community Church was founded in 1856 as the German Evangelical Church of Hoboken, and renamed in 1967 as the Community Church of Hoboken, our church has a deep roots in our community. From our humble beginnings, welcoming German immigrants to our current congregation reflecting the diversity God desired in creation, we continue to serve our city and welcome everyone as a part of the “Community.” While the city of Hoboken has changed dramatically since our founding, our commitment to seeking God’s justice, hope, peace, and reconciliation in the city will never change.